Sunday, September 24, 2023

Grand Tetons Skyline At Night

I got back over to the mountain west again this year, in late summer. It was gorgeous. This is another fluid acrylics painting, this time on cardboard. This is the skyline of the Grand Tetons late in the evening. 

Really enjoying this style of painting, it reminds me more of watercolor in how the pain behaves. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Summer Dahlias, Fluid Art

This isn't done, but it's been fun to play with. There are moments of this that are really lovely, and other moments I may need to play with more.  But it's a fun, gloopy project I highly recommend. I was inspired by golden pair fluid, which I highly recommend people watch and play with.

It's just abstract and playful. 

The sheen and gold was really hard to photograph. This photo is straight in the sun. It didn't seem to turn out as well as the one (above) shot at an angle. 


Sunday, September 3, 2023

Not for Me Part 2

 Going through some really emotional stuff and trying to paint through it. Turns out despair is pretty common in our modern society, but I can't recommend it to anyone.