Sunday, November 19, 2023

PNW Fall- Painting Some 'Shroomz

I am not sure if the dry painting is going to hold the image, so this is another painting that may move from this moment. This one is so fun.

The original photo:

Also, my husband says we have too many paintings! LOL. 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

PNW Fall

Having a little trouble photographing this. I definitely need better lighting. Still thoroughly enjoying pours... they are tough though!

And, a bit of a close up to show the depth.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Zen of the Thermal at Yellowstone

 I like how this turned out. For some reason the photos I took from when I visited Yellowstone didn't really turn out, but this tells the story. It was really beautiful to see the water, with basically no one else around. A great trip, and classic visit to the mountain west.