Thursday, August 1, 2013

the Summer of the Indian Paintbrush

It is very hard to get good photos of Indian Paintbrush, so I normally scrap them. But this summer, good shots seem to 'pop up' all over the place. So, I think it the summer of Indian Paintbrush.

I also have a multi-year obsession with trying snap photos of snow falling, with the aspen trees bright yellow.  It is very tricky, because the first freeze turns the leaves yellow- and they fall not soon after. So it has to freeze, light snow with no wind, for me to get it. Also, getting up to the aspen trees can be a bit treacherous and I have no desire to die a horrifying death over a cliff edge to get the photo. Anyway, I hope it is the year of the Indian Paintbrush and the year of snow falling on aspen trees with fall colors. A lofty dream, I know.

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