Saturday, February 4, 2012

Getting Better As I Get Older

It doesn't make a lot of sense to pretend an experience wasn't a challenge. The longer I live the more value I recognize in the suffering I have experienced. It is so strange that personal growth comes from just listening to yourself. Asking the right questions starts the process.

So, this piece I did about a year ago:

It's titled "Soul Sick."

And for comparison, two weekends ago:

"Dreams of Home"

The feelings are similar, missing Oregon and Family and Friends and Trees. But the exposure to Nietzsche last year did it's work. I have translated the suffering I believed I was experiencing into personal growth. Reflected on the decisions I've made, and remembered the logic behind them. And in this rearview mirror review, I find that I can support myself.  I can see the subtleties in fault and responsibility and circumstance. And now have moved on: What sort of life do I want to live?

I am moving towards a peace and joy I haven't known since I was little. 

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